Sunday, January 29, 2012

A Great Breakfast Idea!

Lately I've been spending A LOT of time on Pinterest...if you haven't checked out this website you might want to stay away from it! It is HIGHLY addicting!!!! But oh so fun to browse and "pin" ideas onto boards. I have found many great ideas here.

I am going through a Bible Study of sorts with my friend E., called "Made to Crave" by Linda TerKuyst. It is going through how we are created to crave God and His word, but man has turned it into more. Teaching me how to refocus and crave God over other earthly things, including food! There are many across the country that are doing this study as well, and there's been a blog set up to post and be an encouragment. E. and I have a site where we share with eachother our thoughts, struggles and victories! We've only been at it for 2 weeks, but so far it has been wonderful. It came at a perfect time for me! I'm trying to lose some weight, and eat healthier and this book reminds me that this is a daily (sometimes hourly) thing that I need to lay at God's feet and pray for strength. Over the years I have gotten hives after eating, and not known why...this has progressed to some pretty rough belly pain, that comes on within 10-15 minutes of eating and hangs around for a's pretty nasty! I've never been to the Doctor for this, but I do suspect that gluten may be a culprit behind some of this...So, I've bee eating a lot less gluten filled foods the past few weeks, and a lot more fresh fruits and veggies and have felt better....not completly, but much better! And Gluten-free food is actually pretty tasty. I'm hoping that this will also help me on this quest to lose some weight! The recipe that I'm going to share with you is one that is Gluten Free and is also located on Pinterest...BONUS!!! :)


4 Eggs
1/4 C. Milk (Or 1/2 & 1/2)
1 tsp. Salt
Assorted toppings; I used Tomatoes, Green Peppers and Cheese (You could add  meat in here as well)

Preheat oven to 350. Grease 6-cup Muffin Tin. Beat the Eggs, Milk and Salt in a bowl; pour into Muffin wells. Add in your toppings (they will sink). Sprinkle with cheese; if desired. Bake for 20-25 minutes; or until Egg is done. Run a knife around outside edge and turn onto cookie sheet. These can also be frozen and pulled out to reheat in the microwave for an easy breakfast! They are yummy!

1 comment:

  1. Made this for supper last night with English Muffins--It was sooo easy and very good. Will definitely make it again!
