Saturday, February 25, 2012

Another GREAT Crock-Pot Meal!

My parents were in town this week babysitting their grandbabies. The bro and I spent some time with them as well. I made this for supper on Tuesday evening and brought some for the parents to have as well. It was delicious, even my niece W. loved it!


3 Lbs. Boneless, Skinless Chicken Breasts
1 Tbsp. Onion Powder
1 Tbsp. Paprika
1 tsp. Garlic Powder
1/2 tsp. Salt
1/2 tsp. Pepper
8 oz. Beer (I used a classic Amber Beer)
32 oz. BBQ Sauce (NOT Sweet Baby Ray's as it's too thick)

Season Chicken with Onion Powder, Garlic Powder, Paprika, Salt and Pepper. Add to Crock-pot, then add Beer and 24 ounces of BBQ Sauce. Cook on low for 8 hours, tossing once or twice if desired. After 8 hours, shred Chicken and add remaining BBQ Sauce. Toss Chicken to coat and let sit for 10-15 minutes before serving to absorb everything. Serve as desired. (I served it on Onion Rolls with some cheese)

***NOTE*** If you don't want to use Beer, you can try a Ginger Ale, Chicken Stock or even Water.

It makes a ton of food. I had enough to give to the parents, a container for the freezer and enough leftovers for the bro and I.

1 comment:

  1. This sounds SO delicious, Melissa! I must try it :) Thanks for your fresh ideas!
