These are the simplest things to make, and I'm not sure where
Pioneer Woman got the recipe from...but I thank her immensely for having shared it with all of us! It really and truly rocks!!!! These buggers are a hit whenever I bring them anywhere, and I have one friend who says that we are only friends on the days that I will make these and bring them when we all get together! ;-) Wow, I feel SO loved!!!!! Every once in a while I will make them, but now that this particular "friend" might be moving I guess I will have to be nice and make them again before he leaves...especially after the next part of this tell me what you think?!?
Here is a pre-cursor to what happened:
Can you guess what I did?
I 'attempted' to make Apple Dumplings last night to take with to our friend N's house after evening service at church. I say 'attempted' because I had to have the bro finish the process for me. I am proud to say though that not one drop of blood contaminated any of the food! I thought that it would be best to post this picture and not the more gory ones...See, I can be nice once in a while! ;-) My disclaimer on my Facebook status today reads something like this: "I would like to let everyone know that the Pampered Chef Apple Wedger is indeed EXTREMELY sharp & given the opportunity, it will take a large chunk out of your appendages!!!! I learned this first hand last night while making Apple Dumplings to take to a friends house. OUCH!!!!! My thumb is missing a HUGE chunk & is now wrapped up all safe & sound, & I am now up-to-date on my Tetanus! Woohoo (insert sarcasm here)" I highly recommend that if you own one of these:

that you excercise EXTREME caution when using it, or you could do the same thing that I did! I'm lucky that we have a friend that is a Doctor. He is the one that I was making the dessert for...mainly because he is the one that begs for them so often! He was kind enough to take a look at it (would've needed stitches if I hadn't sheared the skin all the way off), and told me that it was a pretty deep cut (took 3 hours to fully stop bleeding). So, now it's bandaged and I've had a Tetanus shot. Now I just have to keep it clean and dry. But MAN does this sucker hurt!!!! Not to mention that it's my left thumb and I'm left-handed...something about Murphy's Law here, right?!?
Anyway, I've posted this recipe before but thought I'd share it again!
3 whole Granny Smith Apples
3 cans (8 Oz. Cans) Crescent Rolls
2 sticks Butter
1-½ C. Sugar
1 tsp. Vanilla
Cinnamon, To Taste
1 can (12 Oz.) Mountain Dew Soda
Cut each apple into 8 slices each. Roll each apple slice in a crescent roll. Place in a 9 x 13 greased pan. You will have to squeeze all of them in! Melt butter, then add sugar and barely stir. Add vanilla, stir, and pour entire mixture over apples. Make sure each one has some of this yummy goodness on it! Pour Mountain Dew around the edges of the pan and down the center of each row. Sprinkle with cinnamon and bake at 350 for 40 minutes. Serve with ice cream, and spoon some of the sweet sauces from the pan over the top.
The bro did a wonderful job of finishing them, and everyone enjoyed them! I hope that you'll give them a try as well...but only at your own risk as they are VERY addicting! You've been warned! :-)
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