Monday, August 22, 2011

A Very Versatile Meal Idea!

My wonderful Momma called me up last week and asked if the bro and I would like to meet her for lunch at a restaurant we used to go to in Kalamazoo when I lived there. She was traveling back through the area after dropping my Gramma back off at her house in Illinois. We were both about an hour from the restaurant, so it worked out perfectly. Well, Mom ordered a Summer Chicken Salad from them and it was wonderful! We did a little inspecting of this salad and I decided that I could probably make something similar. The parents were coming into town this past weekend and I thought that this salad would be perfect for Sundays lunch!

It turned out pretty great, if I do say so myself. I would HIGHLY recommend this to anyone looking for a great salad idea!


2 C. Small Cubed Chicken Breasts (I used a bag of frozen cubed chicken breasts from GFS)
1/4 C. Mayo
1/4 C. Miracle Whip
1/4 C. Coleslaw Dressing
3/4 C. Broccoli; cut up
1 Pint Blueberries
1/2 C. Sunflower Seeds
3/4 C. Red Onion; chopped

Mix all of the ingredients together. It tastes the best if made up several hours or even the night before using to let the flavors meld together. Serve or lettuce or Spinach.

I served ours over Spinach:

There was still quite a bit of this yummy goodness left after the four of us had our salads, so my Momma suggested that I could cook up some noodles and add that in and make it into a pasta salad. What a GREAT idea! I did this, and also added in:

1 Pint Blueberries (Another pint)
3/4 C. Broccoli; chopped
1/4 C. Mayo
1/4 C. Coleslaw Dressing
1/2 C. Sunflower Seeds
2 C. Elbow Macaroni; cooked el dente

Here's how it turned out:

See, I told you that this recipe was pretty versatile!

**NOTE** I made these recipes up as I went, there wasn't one to follow. You may adjust measurements as needed.


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