Wednesday, February 16, 2011

A Crazy Wednesday Meal Idea

Well today has definitely been an eventful one! I went to BSF this morning and it was great to study Isaiah 42 & 43...this study has really been relevant to a lot of things that are going on in our world today! It's amazing to see how the Lord works! As I blogged yesterday I was to have a fellowship time at one of the lady's homes from my small group, well we abandoned that plan as there were only 4 of us that were able to attend. Instead she asked if we would mind going to a local Mexican restaurant called On The Border, as she had gift certificates and would treat the other 3 of us to lunch. So, this is what we was a really nice time and I got to know these 3 women a little better today. Now the dilemma was, what do I do with all of this Chicken Pasta Salad that I have? Since it's just my brother and I at our house I knew that we could eat it all, but the chances of that happening were very slim, since we would be sick of it before it was gone...I decided to call a good friend of mine and see if she and her family would like to have some of this yummy stuff! Thankfully she was happy to have some, so I got out a bowl and scooped out some and went and had a nice visit with her and even got to see her kids for a bit after they got up from their naps! Always a bonus in my book!

Tonight's menu at our house guessed it Chicken Pasta Salad with Cashews & Dried Cranberries! But, I also made Egg Salad! I am very excited about this Egg Salad, for you see it is not your typical recipe for Egg is a recipe commonly used in Northwest Iowa that is eaten there on Rusk Buns...Oh how I miss Rusk Buns! :-( Nevertheless I have been craving Egg Salad since I came across the recipe in the Bos Family Cookbook, so I decided to make some for tonight's supper. It looks and smells delicious and I cannot wait to have some...but alas it will have to be on a regular bun, but that's alright because I'm sure that it will still be wonderful.



1 Tbsp. Butter
1 Tbsp. Flour
2 Tbsp. Sugar
1/2 tsp. Salt
3 tsp. Vinegar
1 Beaten Egg
1/2 C. Half & Half
1 Tbsp. Onion, minced
8 oz. Cream Cheese
8 Hard Boiled Eggs; chopped

Boil the first 7 ingredients together until thick. Cool in the pan until you can hold your hand on the bottom of the pan. Then, stir in the next 3 ingredients and cool completely. Then spread on whatever type of bread product you would like, and enjoy!

If you have never had Egg Salad made like this, my hope is that you will try this simple and easy recipe!


  1. This is the only way I make egg salad now! It even works well with low fat cream cheese!

  2. I have NEVER tried it like this, but it sounds DELISH!!! Can't wait to try it sometime ;)
