Thursday, March 24, 2011

It's Not That I Haven't Been Cooking...

It has been a very busy week around here! I can hardly believe that Monday was my birthday and that it's only Thursday today. It has been an extremely busy week!

This is what my Momma posted on my Facebook Wall in honor of my birthday:

'I had issues with my internet Monday and Tuesday so I will post for your birthday today, Wednesday. I wished you a happy birthday(or tried to) and added that if your father had his way your birthday would have been the 22nd! He thought we should wait in the hospital parking lot until midnight so we wouldn't have to pay for less than an hour of actual time in the hospital on the 21st!?!?! However, you were born at 20 minutes to midnight on the 21stand not after midnight on the 22nd:)! By the way, the hospital bill we paid was for $6.00--for a phone in the room---I guess he needed golf money! I know you had a great day!'

I thought that it was pretty amusing! My comment back to her was that I'm so glad that she won out over my ever frugal Father! He wanted to save a few bucks! hahaha But I will say that he reminds me all the time just how happy he was that he had a little girl on March 21st! He tells me that he drove home singing. I'm so thankful that God blessed me with these wonderful Christian parents, and of course my older and younger brothers as well! Life wouldn't be the same without them! All in all I had a FANTASTIC Birthday and I had fun doing the GiveAway's here on my site as well! Congratulations to all who won! :-)

So, it's not that I haven't been cooking this week...because I have been. It's just that some of the recipes I've been using are ones that I've already posted, such as tonight, we had Beef Stew.                                               
You can find the recipe for that under the Main Dish tab on the sidebar. It is a really tasty meal and I highly recommend it. It is so simple and easy to make. Last night we attended the Young People's Spaghetti Supper from church, and supported them in their efforts to raise money for convention this summer. It was delicious---thanks to all that were there and cooked!!!

I hope that all of you are having a great week!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Missie- I saw you commented on The Traveling Notebook that you would like to join! There is still plenty of room! Just send me an email with your name, address, and another form of contact: facebook/twitter that you are on consistantly. (had a few issues with previous people.) and i will get you added to the list! Its going out to the first person today!!! I am excited for you to be joining with us!!
    ~ Sarah- aka overthinking Mama
    overthinkingmama @ Gmail . com
